Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Migrant Workers in Italian Tomato Fields

The company Princes, which is owned by the Mitsubishi corporation, is the main supplier of tomatoes in the UK. According to The Guardian, Princes has been named in an investigation focused on revealing and stopping labor abuses by the tomato supplier De Rubertis. De Rubertis farms are accused of illegally forcing workers to work twelve hour shifts in the fields all week long with little to no breaks and very little pay. Mutti and Conserve Italia were also named as beneficiaries to the exploitative, horrible labor conditions of the tomato industry, but have parted ways with the De Rubertis farm once news broke about the inquiry.
The death of Abdullah Muhammed, a middle-aged legal Sudanese immigrant and seasonal laborer, in 2015 is what spurred the initial inquiry into the labor practices of these tomato companies because the prosecutor argued that Mr. Muhammed's heart attack, leading to is untimely death, could have been prevented if he had been given medical treatment. Unfortunately, this story of a man dying due to unfair labor practices is not an isolated one. All over the world, including in the U.S., immigrants and migrant laborers are frequently taken advantage of by people in high positions of economic power, which is a shame because most if not all of the workers are good, dedicated people who want to have a better life.

Photo from the article
 Migrant workers harvest tomatoes in Puglia, southern Italy

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